Tuesday, November 08, 2005

With the civic election approaching (November 19) we at the Nanaimo Women's Centre have put together a list of questions we would like candidates to think about. If you are an election candidate, or if you are a resident planning on attending this week's candidates forum, please keep the following questions in mind. We need representatives who understand the importance of a women's centre in our community! Many thanks.

Don't forget to vote on November 19--women didn't win the vote easily, after all. We have the power to effect change in our community, so let's get out there and use it!

Questions for election candidates

What sort of work does the Nanaimo Women's Centre do?

How many women in Nanaimo and the Regional District use the Women’s Centre?

Why do women need a safe space to come for help?

Why do you feel a Women’s Centre is necessary in our community—or why not?

In terms of political, economic and social equality, what barriers do you see women facing that are not barriers for men?

As a Nanaimo city councillor, what will you do to encourage provincial and federal representatives to re-instate funding for Women’s Centres?


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